Ever wake up one morning and realize it wasn't morning? Then, you check the time on your phone and realize that not only did you miss your morning class , but you are also late for a meeting. Your meeting alarm is going off now and you have 5 missed calls. Oh wait, there's another one. Yes, as college students we all have these days. The days that spiral downward in negativity and sadness.
But you keep telling yourself to keep going.
At times like this we find ourselves hiding out in our rooms. Only problem is that the minute you sink into your bed, your parents call with bad news. You take a walk outside. You try to get back into the mundane routines when you run into a classmate and they remind you that there is a paper due tomorrow. You want to scream in frustration because you have to work in two hours, and that paper will not be done on time. The day continues to spiral downward and you feel like you have reached rock bottom.
But you tell yourself to keep going.
The day doesn't get better. But it doesn't get worse either. You have reached the point in your day where given all the stress of these circumstances, you have to make a choice. You are itching to lose control of yourself and let yourself drown in your sorrows. Your thoughts know better and try to convince you to do otherwise. Motivational thoughts rush into your head like the trains racing in the subway tunnels, and you pick yourself up.
You remind yourself to keep going.
You are sitting at work, you smile at everyone and hide the fact that you are having a bad day. Your co-worker begins to socialize with you and reveals to you how hard of a day she's having. You sigh inwardly because you completely understand and you give her comfort. You reveal your own issues and she comforts you back. Then the day seems a little lighter. Your friends come around and you share a few laughs. They talk to you about everything but your problems and for the first time all day you feel good. College is hard at times and things do get bad. It's not all about parties, fun and friends, if anything its quite the opposite. The college dream of living life while going to school is not a reality. College is a taste of life that prepares you for problems that make you want to give up.
But all you can do is keep going.