1. Adapting to "y'all."
2. Trying to explain a small hometown with side roads and local restaurants.
3. Trying to explain a deli.
4. Having knock off "NYC pizza" when you want real NY pizza.
5. Not having bagels when you're having a rough morning because they do not have real bagels.
6. Trying to find Dunkin' Donuts.
7. Trying to explain that Westchester, Long Island, and NYC are in the very south of New York and therefore I do not know your great uncle's girlfriend's mom that lives in Buffalo.
8. When you're asked where Westchester (or whatever county) is and you respond "30 minutes from the city" and get the response "what city?"
9. Not knowing at least 40 people when you get to college.
10. Not knowing even one person when you get to college.
11. Explaining what Havaianas are.
12. Looking for seltzer and getting the response "you mean Alka-seltzer?" No, I actually do not drink Alka-seltzer for fun.
13. Not understanding why you cannot find Poland Spring anywhere.
14. There being no such thing as a sketchy liquor store, only ABC stores.
15. Not owning J. Crew shorts.
16. Not knowing what Jack Rogers are when every other girl has a minimum of three pairs.
17. Missing chicken cutlet.
18. Never having had Chik-Fil-A, Bojangles, Cookout, PDQ, or most other fast food restaurants before coming to college and being shunned for it.
19. Being asked if you visit NYC every day. No, I actually rarely go there.
20. Listening to everyone you meet telling you how much they love NYC and their story about how they visited when they were five years old.
21. Explaining how important sports are in your high school, middle school, elementary school, and entire town.
22. Explaining why you have four pizzerias, six delis, and no fast food restaurants in your town.
23. Explaining how your drive to school is, maximum, ten minutes.
24. Being asked why you didn't attend private school. Hmm, let me see — going to private school is super rare (and lame) in New York.
25. Being interrogated about how much snow you get in New York (it's really not that cool).
26. Being asked if a hot day is super hot for you. Hmm, no we actually have heat in New York, too.
27. Not owning anything monogrammed.
28. Being asked, "Are people really as b****y in New York as people say?" Um, not sure how to answer that.