Being 5 feet 9 inches comes with a few advantages. However, we tall girls also face so many annoying daily problems. Here are 10 problems almost every tall girl goes through.
1. People ask how the weather is “up there.”
Oh my God, you are so clever. Like I never heard that before.
2. Wearing heels.
This hits home for me; I have so many cute heels and it sucks because once I put them on I go from 5 feet 9 inches to 5 feet 11 inches. When I’m at DSW trying heels on, everyone stares. What are you looking at? Yes, I am trying heels on — leave me alone.
3. Sitting at a desk.
This happens to me at school, work and home. My knees either don't fit under my desk or they barely make it under the desk. All I want to do is sit with my legs crossed.
4. Finding a boyfriend.
When I am talking to a potential date, I ask how tall he is, and it starts with a five. Sorry there, buddy, but I am just going to be friends with you.
5. Constantly helping people get things.
How about you just stand on a chair or get a ladder?
6. Hugging.
It is so awkward when I hug shorter people and my boobs go into their face. Sorry about that!
7. Being told, “Stand in front me, the sun is killing me.”
I am sure that, last time I checked, I was not a beach umbrella.
8. My jeans don’t reach my ankles.
Finding a pair of jeans that fit is harder than finding a cute guy as tall as I am. It is sad but so true.
9. Normal length shorts become hot pants for you.
It is nearly impossible to find shorts with the right length. You will end up cutting your old jeans.
10. Someone is always telling me, “Watch your head!”
Why are some ceilings so damn low? I’m always banging my head on something!
Even though we tall girls have problems, we love being tall in the end. Therefore, to all the girls who are 5 feet 7 inches and taller, give yourself a pat on the back. We are an awesome special group.