Books are my best friend, as I'm sure those of you who chose to read this article can relate to. I am always reading something, whether it be a text book, Internet articles or a new book I downloaded onto my Kindle. I love getting lost in the words I am reading and the lives of fictional characters that I wish were real. I still mourn over deaths of certain fictional characters I fell in love with, and I'm half tempted to tell the author to go die in a hole for killing off my favorite character. I can't count how many books I've thrown against the wall or how many pages have my tears all over them. Nevertheless, no matter how much a book breaks my heart, I still love them and ensure that my future children love the experience of drifting off to a far away land through the words made from a mere 26 letters. For those of us who love to read, we each face our own problems in society that others don't really seem to understand. So to those who are true, hardcore readers, here are 10 problems that we tend to face due to our "nerdiness."
1. We tend to like fictional characters better than actual people.
I'm sorry, but it's true. Our fictional characters just understand us, and we can connect to them so much more than we can to actual people. Plus, the characters normally have likable qualities that I can't say most people have today, like being nice and not being dramatic.
2. We are broke because we spend all of our money on books the second we get our paychecks.
Fun toys, food and clothes are nowhere near as important to a book lover like a new tangible book to love and hold. Anytime I get Amazon money, I can be sure it will be all gone and spent on books to read during the summer. I also know I will have to bug my mom for food money as I sit at the kitchen table reading my new book,
3. People hate going to the movies with us.
I will not lie, if you take me to a movie that has been made from a book, you will hear that the book is better and everything that was wrong throughout the movie. My biggest pet peeve is when the directors for the movie edition of the novel are terrible at picking out the cast. Sometimes I won't even go to a movie if the main character looks nothing like the image I created in my mind.
4. We cry in public places at the worst times.
We can't control when the author decides to break two people up, when they let someone die or when another sad event is incorporated into the novel! There has been so many times that I start to choke up during school or in the car on long drives that cause people to look at me like i'm from another planet. I'm human, and sometimes I forget that others are around me when I am reading, so yes, I will cry and yes, right now this sadness is real to me, so please leave me alone.
5. You don't lack sleep from partying all night, you lack sleep from reading.
We have all been there — when a book is getting really good and you tell yourself that you're only going to read a page more, a chapter more, and before you know it, you've finished it, and it's five o'clock in the morning! Crap.
6. People think you're so weird because you enjoy smelling books.
Yes, I love the smell of new books, and old books, and everything in between. If I could find a candle with that scent, I would buy millions of them to light up around my room. The smell of a book as you flip through all of its pages once you grab it off the shelf will always be amazing. I wish I could wake up to that smell every day.
7. You have to lie to your friends about being busy because you'd rather stay home and finish your book.
I'll admit there are several times that I lie and say I have to do something else during the day, and I end up laying in bed and reading instead. I would apologize but you can't fight off the calling of a book, especially when it starts to get really good.
8. When you do finish a book, there a hole in your heart that you can't fill for a while.
When I finish a book, I mope around for hours, think about rereading it, rethink the ending over and over again, and quickly try to find another amazing book to read. The worst was when I completely finished the Harry Potter series — what would even compare to reading that series? That hole in my heart will never be filled until another Harry Potter novel is written.
9. You tend to ignore when people call your name when you are reading. 
Listen, if a book is really good, then I promise I won't pay attention to anyone unless they physically shake me. My sister has sat right next to me and has yelled my name and still couldn't get my attention. As book lovers, we basically climb into the books we read and never want to come out, so until we want to put the book down, don't expect to hear from us for a while.
10. We have a life long addiction that can't be cured through medication, support groups or rehab. 
Books will forever be a part of our lives, no matter how much we try to put them down and do normal things in life like eat and sleep. I will go hungry and without sleep just to satisfy my need to read. While some may see this as crazy, we book lovers are happy and don't need to hear any absurd opinions. Sure we may be obsessed with our books, but sometimes books are better to live in than reality. Let us live in our fantasy worlds where fictional characters are our actual best friends.