Growing up playing sports and having a brother and dad who were always watching them on TV, it was only natural for me to develop a love for the competition. I can sit down and watch any sport, no problem. As I got older and went away to college, I learned that not as many people share the same love of sports that I do. In fact, I have learned over the years how hard it truly is to be a female sports fan. These are some of the biggest struggles that girl sports fans face:
1. Having to prove yourself as a fan
Many people assume that as a girl, I do not understand sports and try to explain the game to me. And if I do say I am a fan, I get the classic, "Oh you're a ____ fan, name five players." For the most part, I do know most of the players' names on my favorite teams, but I do not need to prove myself as a fan.
2. Wanting to watch a big game, when you're friends have zero interest
Yes, while there are many female sports fans, there are also many that are not, which is the same with guys as well. Not many friends of mine, however, want to sit down and watch Kevin Durant make his first appearance back in Oklahoma City. Also, there is the problem with constantly being asked what each thing means when you are the only girl of your group that really understands what's going on. This actually doesn't bother me that much because I am so passionate about sports that I love talking about them.
3. People think you watch because the players are good looking
Yes, Kevin Love is good looking, Steph Curry's family is adorable and most hockey, soccer and lacrosse players are genetically blessed, but I am not going to waste my time watching a sport I don't like for someone's looks. I also know more about a player than what he looks like.
4. Having a horrible selection of apparel
Just because I am a girl does not mean that I want fitted, pink and bedazzled jerseys.
5. Watching other girls pretend to be sports fans
In my opinion, there is nothing more annoying than watching a girl pretend to be a sports fan, whether it be to be included in a conversation or to show off to a guy. I would rather have someone ask me a hundred questions than say something that makes absolutely no sense or is completely irrelevant because, at least if they are asking questions, they are proving that they want to understand. Trying to impress someone only gives guys more of a reason to make judgements about girls who watch sports.
6. Being separated on holidays
Typically when family and friends come over, it is standard for the men to sit on the couch and watch sports, while the women sit and talk in the kitchen. This is a problem for someone like me, especially on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, which are two days that are dedicated to sports; football on Thanksgiving and basketball on Christmas. I don't care if I'm the only girl in the room, I would rather be watching the game than doing anything else.