I have been allergic to cats all my life and it sucks tremendously. My cat allergy is comparable to my other food allergies, but worse. All of my friends have cats, so whenever I go to their houses I have to properly prepare myself to survive. Because I don’t go out of my way to avoid them, I actually go straight to them for love and attention.
As a cat lover, it is impossible to not love a cat if given the opportunity. Whether it is a friends, a neighbors or sometimes a random stray cat. Whenever I approach a cat or it approaches me I am prepared to pet it and be careful to avoid any cat fur contact with my face. As direct contact with the cat fur to the face leads to allergy symptoms. Whenever being around cats Benadryl is always kept close at hand, in order to reduce the allergic reactions.
It especially is awful when you’re sad and go to a friend’s house and the cat knows you are feeling sad, so it stays by you for hours and you break out. There is a sacrifice and it is worth it completely to get cheered up by a favorite feline friend.
There’s the feeling of needing a cat and having to eventually make the sacrifice of getting shots every month just to be able to survive living with a cat. In the long run it is fine because for just a shot or two, you get to pet, cuddle, hug a cat as much as you want, without having the chronic allergic reactions.
Also having friends with cats is perfect, due to the fact that you can pick and choose when you want to visit the cats and you can keep a watch on your allergic reactions. With having friends with cats, this means that your clothing and personal items aren’t tarnished with the cat fur that tends to stick to seemingly everything.