Perfect: adj. Everything as good as it possibly can be.
There are many things in life I would love to be perfect. My body, my hair, my love life, my closet, my skin, my bank account, my teeth and so on.
Take a guess how many actually are perfect: none.
It's easy to pretend that you have it all. It's easy to max out a credit card (probably your parents') so you never have to wear the same shirt out. It's easy to pretend that the guy who played you (and will continue to do so) is actually a halfway decent human being. It's easy to pretend perfection, sometimes it's even fun.
Social media is so obsessed with perfection that there are so many filters there has to be one that makes you look flawless. Phones now come with editing tools to fix anything. Flat hair? Volumized. Acne? Blemish removed. Brown Eyes? Blue now. No wonder there can be an entire TV series called "Catfish." I can't pretend that I've never used a filter; I'm all about those Insta likes. But my question is when should we call it to much?
The next time you see someone who is "perfect," know that there is something in their life that they too wish was perfect. It could be physical or it could be emotional, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that even the prettiest people in the world have their imperfections.