I promised myself I would never write about politics or any subject related to it. However, I feel the need, as a college student, to explain why tuition-free higher education is a terrible idea. During this elections season’s campaign races, Vermont Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has made headlines and gained many followers after proposing his “College for All Act.” The Act plans to make tuition for four-year colleges and universities free for in-state students. This is probably shocking to most people that I am against such plan because what broke college kid wouldn’t want a free college tuition, right? Wrong, and I will tell you exactly why.
First, when I heard of the free college movement and the numerous Americans in support of it, my first thought was how is this actually “free”? After doing a bit of research I discovered that in fact free is NOT free. Senator Sander’s plan would cost the United States government 47 billion dollars a year to provide for state colleges. Let me just repeat that: 47 BILLION DOLLARS. Is our nation in delusion? Have we forgotten that America is 19 TRILLION dollars in debt, which is projected to 20 trillion by the time of the U.S. presidential election? We, as a nation, need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. America is in no way financially stable enough to generously give a measly 47 billion dollars to state universities. Oh, and did I forget to mention that hard working American’s will be providing that 47 billion for the government? So “free” is not the most accurate term to describe this tuition-less college movement.
Secondly, college shouldn’t be a handout. If getting a college education is free, then how is it any different from getting a high school education? What would be the difference between a bachelor’s degree and a high school diploma? There would be little to no value in a college degree anymore – I mean why would there be if anyone can get one? College is hard. I live in a constant state of stress during the school year. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing when I finally get my well-deserved degree, the stress, all-nighters, endless cramming for finals, and hair pulling out will all be worth it. The cost of my tuition pushes me to work harder. If I do not succeed my fairly large amount of college tuition money is going down the drain. If college were to be free most students, including me, would probably put in minimal effort into their studies because there would be no real value in our degrees.
I understand college is expensive. My textbooks alone this semester cost me upwards of $700. Even though I have a mini heart attack when I look at the total cost of my classes each semester, I look at my tuition as an investment. I will never regret spending money on my education. To further my knowledge will forever benefit me. College prepares students for the real world, and the reality is nothing is free when you become an adult. Having the ability to attend college and further one’s education is a privilege, and it should be treated as such.