Every generation is accused of being lazier, more careless and more incompetent than the last. Even the great mind Socrates sat around in his toga complaining about “kids these days.” While I do think these accusations are often fueled by resentment and bitterness, I also think there may be some truth to them.
I dislike this idea of simply “not caring.” Whether this attitude is toward authority or appearance, it is a common theme among younger generations. At my place of work, I’ve seen one too many young applicants show up to their interviews in leggings. Not jeans, LEGGINGS. I am a passionate advocate for leggings, (because why settle for jeans when athleisure is on trend), but a job interview is not the place to don your workout clothes.
Complacency destroys relationships. This should not come as a surprise, because “relationships take work.” All relationships require effort, and that goes far beyond romantic relationships. Friendships, professional relationships, and creative relationships all require effort. Human beings are egocentric creatures, so it is easy for us to forget the significance of effort. Healthy relationships are important factors in happiness and self-actualization, and healthy relationships need to be maintained. Studies show that couples are happier when one person is considerate of the other. This simply involves being humble enough to genuinely care about another human in the little ways.
Complacency will insidiously destroy your dreams. We all have dreams, but where do those dreams stop becoming reality? Complacency. I see it on Twitter constantly in “goals,” photo sets and inspirational Dory accounts. Honestly, I’m often discouraged when I look at social media because of my tendency to compare myself to others. Seeing people younger than me travel the world, put out successful art, and speak on social issues with the confidence I long for DOES make me envious. One thing I always have to remind myself of when I feel this way is that most of them worked hard to get what they want. Media and entertainment often glamorize the idea of work, but work is ugly. Work involves late nights, bleary eyes, migraines and pushing through despite everything telling you “no.” Perhaps that is why complacency is the default for us. We are discouraged by the monstrous “work” and settle for something less than extraordinary.
The phrase “I don’t care” carries weight. We throw it around in our everyday syntax, but it does damage. Complacency is such an easy trap- fueled by laziness and “solved” by procrastination. Instead of giving in, here are some ways to combat it.
1.) Touch it once. Don’t look at something and think “I’ll do that later.” Get it done immediately.
2.) Care. Whether it’s caring for another person or voting in this horrid election, care. Do your own research and voice your concerns.
3.) Fight discouragement. Find ways to turn discouragement into inspiration by looking at everything, including failure, as an opportunity.
4.) Work, work, work, work, work. Do as Rihanna commands and WORK. It won’t always be fun, but it will be worth it in the end, I swear.