Being "woke" is defined as someone who is aware of injustice. My problem with this, is right now "being woke" is a trend. These days, especially online, it is cool to be woke. Here's the thing, very few people actually practice what they preach, and stand up for social injustice. We're so quick to cancel each other when in reality, we should be working together to better educate and better our society.
Again, being woke is cool right now, and if you say one problematic thing, you're automatically canceled, even if you tweeted it when you were 14 years old. Have you ever noticed that the people who are so quick to "cancel" others are the ones who love to talk about how woke they are but aren't doing anything to fix the problem they preach about? They never attempt to educate the ignorant, because that isn't cool. By continuing this cycle, change isn't being made, and those who are actively trying to be the change they wish to see, aren't being heard.
The problem seems to stem from social media. Social justice warriors are everywhere online, preaching about social issues and who is to blame. Most of them are in their late teens to mid-20s. They get all their information from other Twitter and Facebook users, rarely any reputable sources. More false information is being spread because of this, further sucking us into this toxic black hole of "wokeness." It's like that game we all played in elementary school, telephone. "He said, she said," you never know what the truth is because no one ever bothers to go to the source or fact check.
The good news is we can stop this way of thinking. We can start by letting everyone speak, now I am a firm believer in if you're still supporting the current administration, you're problematic and your voice does not need to be heard. With that being said, we can start by letting everyone else speak, both the right and left.
White people, let POC tell you why they still feel oppressed and listen to what they have to say.
POC, please understand that not all white people are problematic, and some are genuinely trying to help.
Educate each other, you'd be surprised what is all just a misunderstanding. Let love win once and for all, so we can defeat the root of the problem. Most importantly, understand that if you're just canceling people both on and offline, you're not helping. Get out there and really do something.