In today’s society, everyone has gotten used to computers and cell phones being our go-to for everything. Yes, technology is great -- unbelievable, in fact. It can take us to an unknown location, or give you the answer to a question you’ve been dying to know. But, in the midst of all of the great things it does, it has ruined our society and it’s only getting worse.
Have you ever been to a restaurant and looked around as you sat down and realized that not one person in the restaurant isn’t on their phone? Not just friends and couples, but entire families too! Even four-year-olds are glued to an iPad at dinner while the parents and older siblings are all on their own iPads or iPhones. When was the last time you could look around and see a conversation? People actually talking, with their voices and facial expressions. It sounds crazy, but next time you’re out, look around and see for yourself. Our society has attached themselves to technology and it’s not healthy.
Social Media is an entirely different issue, especially with the upcoming generations. Without Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and more, where would tweens and teenagers find themselves today? They physically cannot function without staying updated with the newest social media craze. News flash: people don’t actually care about your lives that much. What happened to the times of just having Facebook and people would post life goals, college acceptances, and pictures of their vacations? Now, social media is flooded with what people do all day every day and it needs to stop.
There should NOT be an app for people to buy followers and likes on social platforms such as Instagram. Why does that even matter? People should not be judged by how many likes they get on pictures. They should be judged by who they are as an actual person. Are those likes ever real friends? No. It’s pathetic that some people feel the need to actually buy likes. No one should care if you get 15 likes, 50, or even 500. You should be judged by who you are as a person, not who you are on social media, and if people don’t understand, they aren’t worth your time. Let them live in their fake virtual world while you explore and grow as a person in the real world. Trust me, it’s a much better place to spend your time.
Now, no, I’m not saying throw your phones and laptops away and live like a caveman in your back yard. All I’m saying is that maybe we, as a society, need to learn to live less behind screens and more in the real world. Sure, post a picture here and there, or tell your friends and family about the next big thing in your life, but stop the addiction before it gets worse. You never know when it’s going to be your last day, so enjoy life and the people around you, stop being glued to technology all of the time and maybe you’ll just enjoy life a little bit more.