So Juniors, we're now officially facing our final summer of childhood. The summer before our Senior year marks the last of many things:
We're facing the end of our school summer vacations.
Next summer, if we're lucky, we'll be employed full time and working towards our dream career.
Believe it or not, many of us will be attending our peer's wedding days in hopes of catching the next bouquet of flowers in hopes that our day will appear just around the corner with our Prince Charming.
It's a true summer to remember because after, we will have no clue what we'll be doing, where we'll end up, and what career field we will bless with our presence.
If you're like me and naturally uncomfortable with facing the unknown, you should continue reading, because the summer after our senior year doesn't have to be scary.
Fellow Bridesmaids movie cast member Melissa McCarthy once graced Kristin Wiig with a truly motivational quote during Wiig's mid-movie breakdown; "I don't associate with those who blame the world for their problems. You are your own problem. But you are also your solution."
After hearing that, I was reminded with the fact that we are indeed, in control of our own destinies. At this unpredictable moment in our lives, when we feel the least amount of control and are forced to put our futures and aspirations into the hands of destiny, we need a reminder that things will work themselves out in the end.
We need to remember why we're involved in all our clubs and organizations, why we're trying to build a portfolio to show off our best work, why we are making the social connections at events we don't want to go to because attendance means extra energy put aside to become presentable.
It's difficult preparing ourselves for perspective careers we're not even sure we want to pursue. After all, we're young, malleable, with interests and trends that shift our focus every other day. One day you might want to be a photographer, another day, a freelance writer. Maybe you look enviously upon all your friends moving on to med school, pursuing a high salary job as a nurse or doctor. Maybe you want to be like them, even though you faint at the first drop of blood.
Don't force yourself to be like them. Understand that if you take the time to find out what truly inspires and motivates you, you will be as successful (if not more) than those who try pursuing something because everyone else is doing what is currently "cool."
Try to take this summer to figure out what makes you truly happy, so no matter what, you will always be satisfied with where life takes you.