As a Public Relations major, I feel obligated to love and know everything about social media. In some cases I do, but not 24/7. I love the side of social media, especially Instagram, that allows you to see how everyone is doing, whether you like them or not. It also is a space for many businesses to share their platform and certain happenings within the store such as sales and announcements. However, often times I find it as a place to compare and judge based on one picture.
Don't get me wrong, Instagram is not the only source of social media that can cause judgment and comparison, however, it is the easiest. Not only does it allow you to follow your friends and neighbors, but it also gives off the "explore page" which are suggestions for you based on people you follow. This can spiral you, or at least me, into a deep Instagram binge, and you end up comparing yourself to every picture you see.
Although it may be the app that brings me to these profiles, it is, in turn, my own fault that I make myself think the way I and many others do when seeing such pictures.
Past the issue of comparison, is the feeling of needing to post just to post. This has become a common thing with many people that I discuss my feelings about Instagram with. Now that we are in college, Instagram is becoming less and less of a worry, because college keeps us busy enough, so why do we need to update everyone, every other day, or why do we feel the need to.
As we get older, my hope is that Instagram will either die out or become less of a bothersome activity. Like I said, I do like Instagram to some degree but other times it can just be a hassle and too much to deal with.