Let's be real, college is amazing. You're away from your parents for the first time! However, you're away from your parents for the first time. So if you're a high school senior freaking out about having to Adult™ for the first time in your life, or if you're just wanting to get your college career back on track, don't worry. I'm gonna give you some college pro tips I wish people had given me.
1. Go to class and do your homework.
You are wasting money if you don't! You're paying thousands of dollars to get an education, so do it! Do your homework the day it's assigned. For longer projects, like papers, schedule a block of time to work on it every day, bit by bit. The due date is sooner than you think.
2. Shower shoes are non-negotiable if you plan on living in the dorms.
Do your feet a favor and get yourself a cheap pair of flip flops from Wal-Mart.
3. Your tuition pays for the resources on campus.
Use them!! Don't be ashamed of asking for help.
4. Get involved, but don't over exert yourself.
Learn to say no if you feel overwhelmed. Support other departments. Go to athletic events, music recitals, plays and musicals, art shows, etc. You'd want your fellow students to support you, so show them the same courtesy.
5. It's ok if you're not about that sorority/fraternity life.
It's ok if you are. It's ok if you're not sure.
6. Make friends with your professors.
Go to office hours. Sit in the front of the class. Ask questions. They are your greatest allies.
7. Be nice to the cafeteria workers.
Yes, the food is probably not the best, but they have the power to make it worse. Don't be a d*ck
8. Dating and roommates don't mix.
9. Please, for the love of all that is holy, fill out your FAFSA.
Now they have it so you can file for the next year in October of the current year. File it early and get them federal ¢oin$.
10. Make friends with your dormmates.
It will be nice to talk to someone who isn't your roommate, even if your roomie is your best friend. Make friends with your RA, too. They want to make dorm life as fun as possible for you.
11. Make friends with campus police.
Don't be afraid to call them for help if you feel unsafe.
12. Sleep is the best lover you'll ever have.
13. On that same note, avoid 8 am classes with your life. Avoid 8 pm classes with your life.
14. Try to keep your room clean.
Not only will your roommate be happy, you will be happier, too. A clear space is a clear mind.
15. Don't be afraid to transfer if you feel the school isn't right for you.
16. Only skip class if you must.
Let your professor know beforehand if you will be gone for something like a class trip or illness. Don't email your professor like, "Did we do anything important in class today?" because not only is it rude, you most definitely did do something important. Get notes and assignments from classmates.
17. Record lectures (with your professor's permission) and play them back at 1.5x speed while studying.
This way you still get the information, but it won't take as long to get through.
18. Check your mailbox regularly.
Sync your email to your phone and turn on notifications.
19. Don't buy textbooks from the campus bookstore unless you absolutely have to.
I had a music theory textbook that goes for $200 for rentals on websites like Chegg. I got it at the bookstore for $94. It's still expensive, but it's way better than $200. Save every penny you can.