I'm pro life and I don't necessarily believe in abortions but sometimes it is okay to have a abortion and when it is that occasion it's the best thing that you can do for your child and even yourself. The first factor that comes into play when you want to abort is rape. Did you know that on average there are 321,500 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States according to https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-vi... Every 98 seconds an American is sexually assaulted. Even though most Women are on some form of birth control now that doesn't always save them from becoming pregnant from rape. Most Women who are sexually assaulted and become pregnant from it will want to abort their babies because the pain and emotions they had to go through is just too much and nobody wants to explain to their child in the future that their dad was a rapist. There is a difference between not wanting a baby because you had unprotected sex and not wanting a baby because you were sexually assaulted. If you are someone who aborts because they had unprotected sex and they don't want a kid because they don't want to give up their social life and the party life style then you should really be ashamed of yourself. There are so many women out there who would love to have children but they can't for some reason or the other. Abortion is not fair to the women who actually want children. Please, even if you don't want your kid, please continue to carry it. Even if you have to give up the child to foster care or adoption, that is still a better option. Another thing to realize is the new trend "Stealthing." Stealthing is where a man will secretly slip off his condom during sex and then brag about it on social media. This is another case where aborting your child, to me, is okay because Stealthing is a form of sexual assault and I really cannot believe that it has became a trend.
Now I will move on to the second factor that comes into play when wanting to abort your child. Most times when you are pregnant everything usually goes okay but there are times when things can go wrong. There are times when you know your child is going to have a lot of health issues and a low chance of survival once it leaves the womb, sometimes it may even be so bad that the baby won't even make it till birth and you may end up having to give a still birth. What if you found out that the baby would have no skull, one arm, no legs and the heart was outside of the body and this child would have no chance of survival outside the womb. I know someone personally who had this issue so it can happen and it's not something I just came up with off the top of my head. This person wanted to carry the baby to full term because it was doing okay and she did not want to get an abortion because she was afraid of people calling her a whore, a murderer, a bad person. Now it has gotten to the point that since the baby's organs are outside of the body that they can become septic, meaning poisonous. This could cause her health issues, so, she has no choice but to abort because she has a family and a son that need her. The heart was at a good rate but now it is slowing and the baby may not even be alive by the time she goes to get an abortion.
My main point for this is that we cannot judge someone for aborting right away because we don't know their story or why they chose to abort. There are bad people out there who abort just because they want to and I do consider that murder, but then there are the people who really don't have a choice and anyone who calls that person a murderer or a whore should be ashamed of themselves. A woman is going to do what is best for her.