One of the hot topics in politics these days is abortion and whether or not it should be legal to get one or not. The two sides to the abortion debate are "Pro-Choice" and "Pro-Life" with "Pro-Choice" being that abortion should be legal and "Pro-Life" that it should not.
For the purpose of this article, my readers should know that I am "Pro-Choice." But if I'm "Pro-Choice" that means that I believe abortions are right! Absolutely not and this article is to tell you why.
One reason that I have sided with the "Pro-Choice" argument is that if there is a medical need such as a threat to mom or baby's life I think that the option should be open instead of someone having to die.
As of now, I would say I would never have an abortion because of my religious beliefs and my belief that life has begun at conception, but if my life or the life of my child was in grave danger I would be open to the possibility of terminating as my absolute last option. This may not be the case for every woman in this situation.
Another thing to think about is that women are still going to find ways to get abortions whether they are legal or not. These alternatives will most likely not be safe and could end up with the woman being severely injured or get a serious infection of some kind.
Before you say something like "Well she did a terrible thing, she deserves it," that's not for you to decide. The only one who can truly judge us is God, therefore it is not your place to say whether she deserves it or not.
Which leads me to my next point, in the end, the woman who is having the abortion will answer to God, it is for Him to decide what is done not us, so we can't decide if she should be "punished."
There are a lot of "what if" questions that go with the abortion debate and I know it is impossible to hit them all and answer all of the questions but I hope that I have made it clear that just because I think abortion should be legal does not mean I think it is the right thing to do.
With all of this said I know some of you are "Pro-Life" and that's okay, I have nothing against you. Maybe I have opened some of your eyes and maybe I haven't but either way, God is the judge, we aren't, so just think about that before you say anything else.
If you don't believe in God just think about the decisions you've made in your life that other people have judged you for. They were your decisions and they most likely in no way affected the people who were judging you.