Pro choice is simply defined as being for the ability to make a choice.
To choose what you eat
To choose what you wear
To choose where you go
To choose where you live
To choose who you spend time with
To choose who you don't spend time with
To choose when you leave a room
To choose when to start over
To choose why you work for what you do
To choose why you speak up.
What pro choice does not mean is to kill unborn fetuses.
Pro choice is more than one action.
Pro choice is more than one topic, current event, or situation.
Pro choice is more about freedom, than freedom itself.
Pro choice is more than me.
Pro choice is not killing babies.
Pro choice is not for white men in legislative positions to tell me how I can use my body
Pro choice is your right to make decisions.
Pro choice is your right to do what you please.
Pro choice is your right to change your mind.
Pro choice is your right to say, "I do not want..."
Pro choice is NOT forcing the hands of young girls who are preyed upon because of pedophilia.
Pro choice is NOT forcing traumatic events to be relived by rape victims.
Pro choice is not forcing a women to endure hours of labor while knowing that that child will not be alive.
Pro choice is my right to say, "I believe a child is a blessing, but you, girl/lady/woman, you make your own decisions."
Pro choice is not investigating the traumatic loss of life where the mother has no control.
You make your decisions for you.
I make my decisions for me.
He does not make decisions for you.
Pro choice is your right to choose. Your given right to choose.
So, when's your next election?