90% of my wardrobe I've thrifted. From my few pairs of Vans and Doc Martens to Levis boyfriend jeans to my vintage Nike shirt with a Guess denim jacket thrown on. Nike, Adidas, Zara, Tommy Hilfiger, Free People, Lululemon, ECT... I've found it all through Goodwills, Salvation Army's, pay by the pound stores, Value Thrifts, so many fun, and cheap bargain centers. Here are some tips I've found helpful when going bargain shopping.
Visit Regularly and Around Holidays
Sometimes it is just luck, even though Goodwills put out over 1,000 items on a daily basis. Stop in when there's a bunch of rummage sales when the school year is just starting/just ended and before ANY holiday. If you ever need Christmas lights, candles, or any type of school necessity... you'll find them.
Make a List
I've been trying to manage my money, so I go into a thrift store with goals of what I need to find. In August, I dedicated a day to go to a few stores to find things for my new duplex. I found a nightstand, some picture frames, 2 mirrors, and a toaster oven! Sometimes I go in specifically for certain brands or things I need; if I don't find it, I don't buy it. When you're specifically dedicating your time into finding that one thing, you're most likely going to find it.
FAST TIPS (some centered towards my style, but do fit for every gender)
Here are some things on my goal list that I need to find/have crossed off for proof that there are some treasures hidden.
1. Look for pit stains on your items.
PIT STAINS ARE GROSS!! Some stores don't look that closely to the item and sometimes miss weird stains and rips!
2. Shop in the kids section
Cropped shirts are always in style. This section will usually have some sick Adidas windbreakers and zip ups in size 14. Those Adidas/Nike snap pants you've been wanting from Urban Outfitters, but they're $80.... look in the kids section of athletic pants. FUN FACT: If you are a size 7/8 in women's shoes, you can fit into a size 6 kids.
3. OMG vintage
Light-wash Levis 501 in the mens section?? Wear a belt! Cut those bell bottom jeans into shorts!
4. Jackets are staples
Doesn't even matter where you live to need a jacket, go look in the jackets for mens and womens, there are usually some jean jackets, faux fur coats, windbreakers, and bomber jackets. FOR CHEAP!
5. Quick fits
All thrifted!
Oversize t-shirts...with a logo... tucked into mom jeans.... a look. The mens section is definitely my savior. Look for button-up shirts as well. You can crop, tie, leave unbuttoned, wear as a dress... easy to dress up or down!
6. Accessorize
A $0.99 belt, staple item in a wardrobe. That's all. Get one.
7. Check the clearance
8. Try it on
If it looks ugly on the hanger 1) it probably is 2) who cares 3) try it on anyways
9. Layer your outfit
If it looks ugly, layering items is always an option.
10. All about weird patterns
Thrifted shirt: Express // Shorts: Levi's
LOOK FOR STRIPES!!!!!! I don't know why, but a lot of bigger brands have stripes.
11. Have fun
Have fun with thrifting!!! Branch out on your style once in awhile
Other than Nike, Adidas, and Tommy Hilfiger, I have found my multiple (Canon) film cameras, 2 pairs of Lululemon leggings, every shade of Levi denim, 4 pairs of Doc Martens, 13 pairs of Vans, 2 denim jackets, Champion shirts/crewnecks, Zara cardigan,
What I have found difficult to find are Patagonia, charcoal grey denim, ANY designer brands, men's shoes, and red belts.