Talking about innate privileges seems to be such a sticky subject for some; many seem to refuse such a concept exists. It seems as though the worst thing in the world is admitting that some things come easier for you because of the way you were born and named. We all talk about this American Dream and it’s as if some people think that your accomplishments are only worth something if you had to struggle to get there, that if something was handed to you on a silver platter your life and the things you’ve done is meaningless, and that is such a strange concept to me. It is even more confusing that people can just say that innate privileges simply don’t exist. Were you born in a developed nation (the US, Canada, England, France, etc)? Sorry to tell ya, bud, but you’re privileged. You were born with this privilege of certain freedoms, the right to education (yes, even being able to read is a privilege). Do you have a common name? Privileged again. It is well known that if your name is easily pronounced and recognized (all you Johns and Sallys out there) you are more likely to get a job over someone with a more foreign or “ghetto” sounding name; even if they are more qualified for the position. If your family makes over $70,000/year (for a family of four, number changes based on household size) you are extremely privileged. That should go without saying given money is what makes the world go round and the more money the less you have to worry about (being homeless, unable to provide for children, not being able to give them certain opportunities, starving, etc). Are you healthy? Mentally and physically? Ableism is one of those hidden privileges that don’t get brought up nearly often enough. If you are without a chronic illness how are you not thankful for that fact alone? It is something that everyone takes for granted until their health begins to fail. The concept of privilege is extremely diverse and in tiers. No one is invalidating you by saying you have privilege, and no one is saying that you didn’t work hard to get where you are now. What we are saying is to open your eyes to those without those same privileges, even if they may have different privileges. Be aware that not everyone is created equal, and to strive for a world where people are treated as equals, that is what is meant when people remind you of your privilege. I never have to worry about what bathroom to use, I never have to worry about the validity of my marriage, I don’t get watched by store owners when walking in to browse, and no cop is ever going to see me as so much of a threat as to pull a gun on me. I have a roof over my head and the opportunity to get a higher education and travel. I however did not have the privilege of growing up wealthy, I did not have the privilege of going to a good school district going (in the sense of rankings and budget and behavior , but the teachers I know did their best to give us the best education possible despite all of the BS and I’m always grateful for that) I worked hard in high school to get the grades for scholarships, and I still have to put up with constant harassment while walking down streets because they are still seen as “compliments” (seriously, it’s harassment, it’s scary, and you never know when a guy will get dangerously angry at you for brushing him off. Yes. It happens. A lot.). My existence is also the theme of many horror movies and a topic of judgement and fear. It’s amazing how scared people are of people with mental illness and the way it’s discussed is absolutely horrible. Overall I still see myself as incredibly privileged, how privileged others see me has to do with their personal privilege. Why I can accept my privilege is because I have a voice that I can use for people who don’t. Those with certain privileges have their opinions listened to and accepted more than people without those privileges. Because I never have to question what bathroom to use I can protect those whose choice is not that easy. Because I am not seen as a threat I can defend those who are falsely seen as one. My privilege can be used as a tool to help others. Your privilege can too if you just decide to stop seeing it as a negative thing and just be thankful that you have it because too many people do not. Privilege only becomes arrogance when you assume everyone has it.
Politics and ActivismJan 23, 2017
I Have Privilege and That's Okay
Accepting privilege doesn't devalue your experience or assumes you don't work hard