I have never been without.
I have never had to worry about my next meal, or sleeping somewhere warm. My parents have lived in the same house for the past 15 years. It's not a big house, but it was home. I had all the necessities. I have never been without.
I have never had to worry about not getting presents for Christmas or my birthday. There would always be presents under the tree on the 25th of December. My birthday never fell short of a small party or a nice dinner out. I have never been without.
I have never had to worry about not having new clothes or supplies for a new school year. We always tried to shop on the tax free weekend, but even if we missed that, there would be brand new notebooks and other supplies sitting on the table. I have never been without.
I have never had to worry about car problems. I've never even bought my own car, I've been given the ones I drive. I put the gas in them, but even then there is help when I can't afford gas or small parts. I have never been without.
I have never had to worry about money. I get stressed about not having enough to buy the make-up I want or that cute shirt at Target, but I never go hungry. My tank is barely ever on empty. I have a roof over my head. I go to a highly acclaimed University. I have never been without.
I should consider myself priveledged. I am a middle-class-white-female who has never been without. Yet, because I have never been without, I am less. I am told that I do not understand the real world, that I have never truly been an adult. I am lucky. I am priviledged. I have never been without.
I meet people everyday who have less than me, who have worked harder than me, struggled more than me. I am lucky that my parent's insurance covers that little yellow prescription bottle that keeps me from turning off my life like a light switch. I have never been without.
I am just a depressed priviledged millennial. I don't know pain and I don't know struggle because I was born between 1990 and 2003. I have no idea what it is to work hard for my money. I have had everything given to me.
I have never been without.
Therefore I am less than those that have been.
I am scolded for the lifestyle I live because that is the lifestyle I born in to. So I'm sorry.