Walking around campus my first day at UNA was an experience that I will never forget, not because I was so excited to be at a new school, but rather because of the two people I saw having sex in a car in the parking garage.
Before I went to UNA I attended Union University in Jackson, TN, a private Christian college. Culture shock is the only description I have for the way I felt when I transferred.
For all of you private to public school transferrees, I understand, I feel you, and I hope I can not only capture the struggles I have encountered, but also the perks of private school.
I've always thought it was better to start with the bad, then get to the good.
1. Public Showers
Have you ever shared a shower with 40 different girls at the same time? Have you ever realized how disgusting all 40 of those girls can be at the same time? I do not think you will ever understand the true struggle of a public school until you have experienced this. Especially when they decide to puke in the showers after a night out.
2. Public Bathrooms
Speaking of public showers... public bathrooms, too? Like I said, girls can actually be disgusting. HYGIENE GUYS HYGIENE
3. Larger Class Sizes
Does your professor not know your name? I am pretty sure if you go to a public college most professors don't take the time to learn your name, major, the name of your cousin's cousin. You feel me?
4. Wet Campus
I went from a campus who thought alcohol was a taboo. Do not speak about it, do not drink it, you get me. Now... it is allowed in the dorm rooms, on campus, seriously everywhere. Pretty sure the guy behind me was drinking behind me in bio the other day.
5. Maintenance
Y'all, seriously. Do they even have janitors? Is there a such thing as maintenance here? Apparently not... Tell that to the nest of wasps outside of my room that kept getting in to sting me or apparently the hoard of lady bugs that have started accumulating in my room no matter how many maintenance requests I have made.
6. Elevators
7. Roommates/Suite mates
I am honestly wondering if they just put two names randomly together that they instinctively think will hate each other? Honestly y'all, if they would just pair people that other people have something in common with then maybe the residence offices would not be constantly dealing with roommate complaints. They have a roommate survey for a reason y'all. USE IT!
1. Cheaper Tuition
2. Food
Seriously y'all, something other than the cafeteria is always good. Especially if it is Moe's, Starbucks, or Chick Fil A.
3. Student Life
I can honestly say our student life is much more involved here then it ever was at private schools. We were all too busy studying our lives away to ever attend events or anything else.
4. Diversity
We had international students at UU, but trust me when I say there were not enough for you to notice or even get to know.
5. Guy to Girl Ratio
Union had a 6 to 1 girl to guy ratio. This is probably just a girl thing, but it is such a relief to have more than 30 guys to talk to or possibly date.
6. No Ring by Spring
It is finally acceptable to date a guy for more than 4 months before getting engaged, HALLELUJAH!
7. Sports
ROAR LIONS! But really, sports were not a priority. It might be a UU thing, but there was not even football...
I may have to walk 15 minutes to class or deal with no parking, but UNA really has become another home to me.