Rape jokes don’t offend me. Jokes about anything, really, don’t bother me, at least when they’re not intended to hurt anyone directly. Sure, there are responsibilities with humor, but you should also be able to laugh at just about anything. If you’re living in such fear of something you can’t even see the humor of it, that sounds to me like a personal problem above all. I’m not saying that someone’s oinking at you like a pig and calling you fat is something you have no right to be upset about, because that person’s being a total d*ck and that’s not cool. I’m just saying that sometimes a little off-color humor does help lighten the weight of some pretty serious topics.
With that said, it’s a pretty sh*tty way to begin a post questioning why some jokes are made. What makes prison rape jokes more acceptable than just rape jokes? If liberal Internet is trying to eradicate one section from the joke books, then what makes the other any more acceptable? Is it because there is an implied sense of justice? If so, is that justice at all or just spite talking? Is it OK for someone to be put in physical danger because they committed a crime? What gets under my skin is what this says about our prison systems, and how we view them. If the consensus is that you get raped in prison, then shouldn’t we update that sh*t? I’m not trying to defend the act of rape, murder, or those who have committed any of those things, but I don’t think we should put them in positions where their lives are threatened because of actions. What’s the progress in that? Let’s throw them in the state’s dumpster, forget about them, let them out in 15-20 years, and then release them? That’s just creating a vicious cycle.
I think we need to focus on counseling and rehabilitation more with the justice system, and although the ultimate goal is to protect society from such characters, shouldn’t we also protect them from each other? People say it’s karma, or justice, but to me it sounds like bloodlust. Maybe through extensive study, we can find out how to help identify what drives a person to commit such an act, or how to someday help prevent it. It may sound idealistic, but it’s more productive than having them work for cents a day to supply major corporations. I think any act of violence is repulsive as the next guy, but these people are still human, and if we want to end such actions from being committed, maybe it goes both ways. Who are we to determine who deserves to be raped? Or shanked in the hall? Or most cliché, do two rapes make a right?
I don’t really know about this sh*t. I hate hearing about some person being harmed, and am glad to see when the person is kept out of society (If you want to see what can happen if action is not taken, watch "Dear Zachary"), but I think there’s some serious hypocrisy in the promotion of prison violence. I know that modern society opposes Christianity, but if we’re holding onto the sentiment of an eye for an eye, then I think we’re due for a reminder that we’re all God’s children.