Our inmates are fed better than our students.
Few students have come back from their lunch periods and said, “Man, that was really good.” Students are missing out on essential vitamins, being served approximately half of what they need. They are also being fed less protein essential foods. Studies have shown that the meat fed to students have lower standards than meats at fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King. Food in prisons have more funds than school foods. Why are our criminals being fed better than our students?
99% of schools in America are involved in a program called, “National School Lunch Program.” Obvious by its name, it supplies most schools with lunches. Schools are given about 11 million dollars for food alone. Why are they spending so much on foods that have lower standards than McDonald’s? Less than 1/3 of school foods have the required amount of saturated fats in them.
Prisons get 205 million dollars for their food program. Inmates genuinely have normal meals with their choice of a meat with a side of a fruit or vegetable. ‘Nutriloaf’ is a food used as punishment, when inmates act up. There are approximately 2.2 million prisoners in America, and 50.1 million public school students. Pretty much, we’re rewarding these criminals with three hot meals everyday.
This problem could be solved by the Federal Lunch Program. The program could use the money they receive more wisely. Schools get millions of dollars to feed these students. It’s sad that a prison’s food program is much better than the public schools’ program. These students should be fed better not only because food, fuels their brains, but because school is bad enough. Running your day on cafeteria food is unfulfilling. Step up your game, America.