For a while there, it seemed that being lazy was a fad. Everyone was trying to 'out-lazy' each other. "You did your homework at midnight last night? HAH, I did mine this morning!"
And then everyone realized that they had a slew of responsibilities awaiting them and thus came "the grind" mentality. I've always been "grinding," but especially lately I've felt particularly overwhelmed by everything I put on my plate. College students are expected to attend class, have a job, get internships, and maintain a social life all at once. People who say college students have it easy clearly don't understand what it's like to be in our shoes.
We don't have the luxury of focusing on just one thing. Instead, we spread ourselves so thin that we're forced to cancel plans and even give up on hobbies we love and enjoy. Sure, we're making money and getting experience, but is it all too much?
One thing I do appreciate is society's new push toward self-care. I think college students need more of this. While it's great to be advancing your career and getting paychecks, your mental health matters just as much as all of those other things. And you should never give up something you love just because you're busy. There is always time if it's something you enjoy, even if that time isn't right this second.
Take a moment to yourself and give yourself a break! We need to accept the reality that we can't save the world or construct our futures in a day. You should still push your boundaries and work toward your goals, but not if it's going to be detrimental to your health.
No is the magic word here. It's hard to say no, but sometimes you just have to realize that you can't make something work no matter how much you want to. Whether that's going to an event, hanging out with a friend, or accepting a new job, if it's going to be a burden on you mentally, it's best to wait for a time when you can do it and feel good about it. There will be new opportunities for all of those things! OK, so the "grind don't stop," but maybe you should every now and then, at least to check in with yourself.