My name is Maggie McAndrew and I am a 21-year-old college senior. I have one semester left of my academic career left, something that makes me incredibly nervous. And while I may not have everything figured out about post-grade life and my future, there is one thing that is clear; who I am breaks down into three very simple parts. Princess, Teacher, and...disaster.
1. Princess
In 2015 my life changed forever. In May of that year, I put on a princess outfit with my best friend Kylee and walked into a hospital for the first i. The rest was history. A Moment of Magic Foundation was born. A huge part of who I am comes from being a "princess". My best friend and I, along with 40 other volunteers, dress up as popular princesses and visit kids in pediatric hospitals. Being a princess does not mean I spend 1/3 of my time simply walking around in a tiara, (although I wish this was acceptable), but it does mean I have met countless numbers of little kids going through the fight of their lives. I have had tea parties on the floor of a hospital room and held the hand of a little girl losing her hair. I have learned what it means to love fiercely and selflessly like a princess and to keep my head held high with grace when times have seemed unbearable. I have learned that some girls wear hospital gowns as their ball gowns and that a warm smile and strong hug has the power to change the entire course of someone's day. My inner princess is one who believes in the power of love; one of the most important parts of who I am.
2. Teacher
For as long as I can remember I dreamed of being a teacher*. I loved playing school in my little pink room as a kid and dreamt of the day I would have my very own classroom. As I get ready to start my last semester of college, I could not be more confident that I have made the right choice. I love being in my classroom. I love teaching English and helping my high schoolers look at a book in a way they have never thought before. I love giving up my free period to help that one student who is desperate to keep learning and be successful. I love staying up late every night to make sure my lesson plan for the day is done. I love seeing my kids have an "aha moment" and finally get something they were struggling with. Most of all I love learning something new from my kids every single day I am a teacher. Being a teacher has taught me to be compassionate, patient, and determined. I wouldn't trade these qualities for the world.
*I will not discredit the brief period of time in second grade when my dream was to be a singing waitress in New York, because tbh this still would still be a killer job.
3. Disaster
This last third of my three-part identity seems to totally contradict the other two-thirds. But what can I say? It's who I am. As much as I try to fight it, there are many times a day where I am a complete disaster. I am the girl who is constantly late, shows up to student teaching with half a cup of coffee spilled on her pants (true story), or the one who comes to class in sweats because she overslept. I have a planner but it's always empty. My purse is constantly so filled to the brim that its overflowing and too heavy to carry. There have been times when my laundry bag has weighed more than a small toddler and I have needed my boyfriend's help just to get it down the stairs. I usually wait until I have two different hair colors to get my hair done. I sometimes eat cereal for three meals a day, and other times sub in a chocolate bar for dinner (and maybe lunch). My bank account is always below twenty dollars. I have forgotten what my dorm room floor looks like there have so many piles of clothes covering it. I spend more money on shoes than I do on my grocery bill. Needless to say, when I am not playing the role of graceful princess or has her s**t together teacher, I am playing the role of walking disaster. And that's okay. It keeps things fun, and interesting. Just how I like it.