Princess Diaries first premiered in 2001, and oh my does that seem like such a long time ago! This movie is a classic and a must see — even if you don't prefer chick-flicks. Anne Hathaway's honesty, charm and down-to-earth spirit made the character of Mia and the story of Princess Diaries come to life. Mia Thermopolis, future queen of Genovia, is not your average princess, because just like you and me, she too has moments that all of us can relate to.
1. Woah there, hold up, look at that hair. We've all been there.
2. Because even Princesses must have braces. Invisalign wasn't a thing.
3. Let's face it, we all laughed because we've all done it before.
4. Everyone runs on Queen's time. If you arrive before the Queen, you're early. If you arrive after the Queen, you're late. It's as simple as that.
5. Don't you lie to me — come on, you know you refer to him as the 'moose guy'.
6. We've all been there and sometimes it's a beautiful place.
7. Wise words Joe, wise words.
8. Keepin' it real, Mia.
9. Say it how it is Lilly.
10. Mia's father leaves us with such wisdom.
These, of the many, are just a few reasons why "Princess Diaries" will always be a favorite movie of mine. The cast did a wonderful job and honestly I would 100 percent support a "Princess Diaries 3." I will be looking for it at the theater — some people may see this as unnecessary, but we don't all have to live in that kind of world. I think a third movie would be the absolute best!