Prince Farming on the Bachelor | The Odyssey Online
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Prince Farming on the Bachelor

Everything you need to know about Farmer Chris on this season of The Bachelor

Prince Farming on the Bachelor

After an intense countdown, the season premiere of The Bachelor finally aired on January 5th on ABC. Farmer Chris Soules, originally from season 10 of The Bachelorette, was left without love, and now he's back to find a potential wife. He's a 6 ft 1' cutie with an education from Iowa State University, therefore, he's got the looks and the brains. What more could his 30 bachelorettes ask for?

Speaking of these unique contestants, Chris was given 30 women to interact with this season, until he finds the "one."

If you haven't watched The Bachelor before, it's about a single man on a journey to find love. After multiple dreamy dates, crazy make-out sessions, and stressful rose ceremonies, contestants slowly but surly get eliminated until one is chosen to be his soulmate. So far, only one episode has aired for this season. It revealed the 30 women and their first impressions. Each contestant entered the show in a limo and met Chris one-on-one. Their entrances were pure entertainment to say the least. Here's a list of the girls below.

1. Alissa (Flight Attendant)

2. Amanda (Ballet Teacher)

3. Amber (Bartender)

4. Ashley I. (Nanny)

5. Ashley S. (Hairstylist)

6. Becca (Chiropractic Assistant)

7. Bo (Plus-Size Model)

8. Britt (Waitress)

9. Brittany (WWE Diva-in-Training)

10. Carly (Cruise Ship Singer)

11. Jade (Cosmetics Developer)

12. Jillian (News Producer)

13. Jordan (Student)

14. Juelia (Esthetician)

15. Kaitlyn (Dance Instructor)

16. Kara (High School Soccer Coach)

17. Kelsey (Guidance Counselor)

18. Kimberly (Yoga Instructor)

19. Mackenzie (Dental Assistant)

20. Megan (Makeup Artist)

21. Michelle (Wedding Cake Decorator)

22. Nicole (Real Estate Agent)

23. Nikki (Former NFL Cheerleader)

24. Reegan (Cadaver Tissue Saleswoman)

25. Samantha (Fashion Designer)

26. Tandra (Executive Assistant)

27. Tara (Sport Fishing Enthusiast)

28. Tracy (Fourth Grade Teacher)

29. Trina (Special Education Teacher)

30. Whitney (Fertility Nurse)

I don't know whether to like Jillian, the news producer, the most because she has my dream career, or to like Jordan, the student, the most because I can relate to her profession.

Either way, lucky lady Britt was given the first impression rose, and 21 other fortunate women will continue with her on next week's episode.

Make sure to catch season 19 of The Bachelor Monday night at 8/7c.

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