The United States is currently undergoing an election that will go down in the history books. Already, the political debates and front-runners of both parties have been unique and unprecedented. But history won't be made in the Presidential Election –– it will be made in the primaries.
With the current political diversity in both parties, the primaries will be the most important decision to the path of presidency. The primaries will determine which two candidates will have the opportunity to run for the most important position in the Western World. The primaries operate under direct election, unlike the general election run by the electoral college. The people who vote in the primaries will directly narrow down the choices, minimize the options, and force the hand of the American people into voting for one of two viable options. The candidates who win the primaries will be the faces of the parties for what may be the most historic election we see in this lifetime.
On the Republican side, we see a range of potentials with no clear winner. Trump seems to be pulling the lead, with Cruz not far behind. Rubio is trailing behind him, with a fading Ben Carson in the back. However, this is a decisive time for conservatives, especially those that don't support the radical Trump.
Without their voices dominating the primaries, Trump will clinch a win. However, no candidate has the majority; without widespread support for one candidate, the Republicans will be handing the victory over to the Democrats before the race has even begun.
The Democratic primary should have been decided before it even began, but then a dark horse came from Vermont. Just as we see a radical from the Republican side pulling mass support, we see far-left socialist Bernie Sanders gaining a cult-like following on the other side.
Before Bernie, Hillary Clinton stood uncontested for the Democratic nomination, and most likely President. The race between Bernie and Hillary will determine whether the Democrats will fight for the first woman President or the first socialist.
The primaries will determine if we will see a race against two radical positions, the fight for the first woman, or the rise of anti-political sentiment. If you have a strong opinion about which of these it should be, then you need to vote in the primaries. Because by the time we get to the Presidential Election, it might be too late.