There are a few monumental moments of your life when you’re sitting there thinking, “Wow, this is history in the making and I’m here to witness it firsthand.” When I was in New York City for Pride last weekend, I knew this moment was making history.
Pride takes place in New York City every year. However, after the Pulse nightclub shooting, where the shooter targeted a gay nightclub, it gave the LGBTQ community more cause for concern than they’ve experienced in years.
It would have been very easy for the LGBTQ community to decide to not attend Pride for their own safety concerns after this horrific event. After your own people are targeted, I can only imagine the fear and sadness these people were experiencing.
LGBTQ people not only carried on with the festivities this weekend, but they proved that they are stronger than ever.
The whole crowd was unified as one, and everyone was there to support those who are brave enough to be themselves. For a day, it seemed like everyone put aside all hatred and remembered how important love is.
The most powerful part of the parade for me was when 49 people dressed in all white, with their faces covered, each held information about one victim of the Pulse nightclub shooting. The whole crowd was silent during this moment. This powerful moment truly sent a message to the crowd.
This was my second time being at Pride and I continued to be astonished each year. The Orlando shooting showed us that hate still exists and we have a long way to go as a nation. But Pride taught me something completely different. Pride showed me that we’ve come a long way. The LGBTQ community is filled with people who are so incredibly brave and proud of who they are. No matter what happens, they’re not afraid to express who they are and fight for what they believe in. We could all learn a lesson from these people. That no matter how difficult life gets, it’s important to never stop trying to better the world and spread positivity.