Rainbow crosswalks funded by the public in Chicago | The Odyssey Online
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It's Pride Month, And Chicago Is Celebrating Every Single Day

Rainbow crosswalks add more history and landmarks to the Boystown neighborhood.

It's Pride Month, And Chicago Is Celebrating Every Single Day
Hector Cervantes

I'm a resident of the Boystown community, and the neighborhood has added a variety of rainbow crosswalks along North Halsted Street just in time for pride month. June is the official month where people celebrate the growth of the LGBTQ community, and all the accomplishments they have achieved along the way for equality.

In terms of the rainbow crosswalks, it's a win-win. After doing a bit of research about these crosswalks, I found out that the city did not have to pay a dime to fund these crosswalks since the project was funded by public donations. This means that Boystown gets a new piece of public work, and the city was able to build this for the neighborhood who is supportive of the LGBTQ community.

Besides the rainbow crosswalks, Chicago has always stood with the LGBTQ community. Mayor Richard M. Daley in 1998 added the neighborhood markers of Boystown on Halsted, and it still stands to this day. It is important to have these various landmarks because it adds more history to a neighborhood, and it attracts people to visit these sites.

In terms of the LGBTQ community, this month is meant as a way to celebrate how society has become more inclusive since the fight for social justice in the LGBTQ community started in the 1970's. With over forty years of fighting for justice, this community has seen so many accomplishments along the way. One victory this community achieved was on June 26, 2015 when same sex-marriage was legalized in the United States. It has been many years since this community began fighting for justice, and while society still has a lot of work to do, justice is finally getting a start. That means that simple community projects of the rainbow crosswalks, and the neighborhood markers not only add color and engagement to a neighborhood, but also celebrate the accomplishments the LGBTQ community has done.

All in all, these rainbow crosswalks mean a lot to residents, and people who are in the Boystown community, and who support the LGBTQ community. These crosswalks not only add more public work to attract community members, but they have a deep symbolic meaning of celebrating the growth in LGBTQ rights.

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