When I was young, I wore jeans, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt to school every day. This was not out of preference, nor from a lack of caring. I was a chubby kid and was sometimes teased, so I simply thought that fashion wasn't something I was allowed to enjoy. Pretty clothes were reserved for pretty girls. If I wore anything more than plain I would draw attention to myself, and that was bad.
I gradually accepted myself as my own person. I traded my plain shirts for shirts that had logos of things I enjoyed on them. The clothes that I picked out were based on preference and not a desire to blend in. Each year in school, I branched further and further into my own style. Now, most any item of clothing is fair game. I embrace bright yellows and bold floral patterns. My criteria is simple: I wear what I like. I do not limit myself to particular styles or expectations. Admittedly, I am still trying to become a hat person. Most hats intimidate me, but it's a work in process.
I enjoy waking up each day and picking out an outfit. When I dress according to my tastes, I become more outgoing and genuine because I am confident in myself as a person. It is a hobby, just as reading and skateboarding are. It is not my entire existence. However, I am sometimes treated as though it is. It is as if dressing in a feminine way takes away my right to be anything but a two-dimensional, thoughtless girl.
Being feminine does not mean that you are restricted to certain behaviors or activities. Do not let others take it upon themselves to define you. Humans are complex creatures that deserve to be judged beyond their exterior image. You are your own person, capable of presenting yourself in any way you please. Show your true self and be unapologetic. Diluting yourself to fit the expectations of others will only result in a life of skirting around the genuine.
Just because I cannot lift heavy things does not mean that I am weak. Each day presents new challenges and hardships that I overcome. Do not assign stereotypes to me. My preferences do not exist to accommodate a feminine lifestyle. Do not cast my life in a shallow light simply because I like pretty things.
I am a human. This is how I expect to be identified as first and foremost. I am not a delicate flower, sitting pretty and batting my eyelashes. I eat french fries and spill things on myself. I have hobbies that extend beyond baking cookies and cross stitching. The clothing I wear accompanies me through each day, whether I am hiking at 9,000 feet or sitting in my 8:00 am business class.
I will not be admired from afar and seen rather than heard. I have ideas and opinions that extend beyond what colors look pleasant when paired.
Don't underestimate me. I am living a full life, and I am looking cute while doing it.