Have you ever seen the movies where the girl has an only friend and dreams of being popular? She goes through a transformation where everyone in the school wants to be her friend and the guy she has always had a crush on finally notices her. She begins to change but the only person who realizes it is her one true friend who deep down has always liked her. So why did I just describe almost every high school coming of age movie? Sometimes we are so caught up in wanting to impress certain people that we lose sight of who we really are. We try to impress people by doing things we vowed we would never do. Some people aren't worth the time. I know this too well because I have done this before.
If there is something that I have struggled with it's been who I have wanted to be. I used to not think I wasn't good enough and had to be someone else so I would be liked. When I came to college I bounced around with different groups before I realized who my friends were and it still took time before I found my friends who have been by my side. If you need to impress someone by doing something you would never do chances are you wasting your time because they aren't worth it. One of my biggest fears growing up was that I wouldn't be liked but I see that if someone doesn't like me then they don't like me. There are millions of people who would love you the way you are and it is up to decide how you will portray yourself.
When I was younger I felt invisible to the point that I thought I needed to change who I was to get attention. I felt alone and worthless. There were times I would feel so down in the dumps that I wouldn't even say anything. Looking back this now I realized this situation was handled in the correct way and that I should've done more than just walking around sulking. However, the instance I mentioned that I was going to change one thing all my friends and people who cared about me would come to my defense and tell me why it wasn't a good idea. There are going to be times in life where you think you don't matter but you do matter and there are people out there who love and care about you.
I am a chatterbox. I am a guy who loves to be goofy. I am someone who will always be there for you. Most importantly I am me. It might have taken me some time to realize who I am and what I want to be but being me is the best thing I can be. As long as I can remember people always noted how I made time for others and was the caring guy. It took me tome to realize that being the nice guy is ok and I hope everyone realizes that it is ok to be the person you are.