Imagine: You're in one of the classes you're required to take in order to be admitted into your major. Your major also just happens to be the second most difficult one to get into at your university. What a joyous time! This class is one hour long and only twice a week; you need to give it your undivided attention. All of a sudden, you faintly hear a discussion going on beside you. But I don't understand, you say to yourself. Why are these girls having a conversation while the teacher is talking? Don't worry, we know exactly why.
Acai Bowl activism. Welcome to a new realm of knowledge. Society nowadays just doesn't understand. We the people have asked, but have we received? It is so important to discuss these matters with whomever, no matter where you are! It's no surprise Burger King is against this up-and-coming, vital health trend. If you see someone in your classroom looking perplexed by what they're hearing, you should already know why. It is our responsibility as the youth of this generation to advocate for acai bowls everywhere; they're most commonly found at juice bars, and this is something that should be frowned upon. We need to educate our peers about this issue during class time. We should be able to find them in vending machines and at every fast food chain.
Which Starbucks drink you are based on your zodiac sign? Tiffany is the girl that sits in front of me in this specific class every day and is accompanied by her friend Bethany. We know that Tiffany is subscribed to a website that gives her a daily horoscope based on absolutely nothing except for her birthday. I sit down and take my notes, and notice that Tiffany seems extremely upset.
"Bethany I am actually so fricking depressed right now. I took the "Which Starbucks Drink are you?" on and didn't get my usual drink. Something must be off." The whole class immediately stops what they're doing. Pencils and pens drop. The professor turns off the powerpoint lecture. Everyone falls into a deep, dark silence; not a single movement within the entire classroom. The spotlight is now on Bethany and Tiffany. Bethany stares at Tiffany, looks around, and sees that she is finally getting the attention in the place where she needed it the most. Bethany contemplates and then, at last, she smirks and retorts, "Well, maybe you should think about choosing to be a Libra next time, idiot."