The Strider classic arcade games came long before I was born but by the time I rolled around, I was familiar with its title character, Strider Hiryu through the Marvel vs. Capcom games. Who doesn't think an assassin with a tonfa like sword that rides a robot panther and summons robot eagles and droids?
This 2014 reboot comes from Capcom's failed efforts to revive the game themselves after a company bankrupted from financial problems. Double Helix Games took the reins and brought the game back to life.The gameplay is largely consistent with the games of old. Side scrolling hack and slash your way to end of each stage using all the abilities at your disposal and gaining new ones. You step into the shoes of the Strider organization's best assassin, Hiryu, who is dispatched to kill Grandmaster Meio in Kazakh City. Along the way you'll face dozens of obstacles such as bosses, enemies and puzzles.
The gameplay is fairly standard as well, Hiryu can attack omnidirectionally with his sword and climb and jump off walls as well as slide through tight spaces. Other abilities include a downward thrust similar to Link in Zelda 2,throwing kunai, using a panther and eagle to travel and summoning droids that defend you and fire projectiles adding to your attack. Strider introduces these new abilities just as soon as you get tired of the previous one and you can always return to explore the huge Metroidvania style maps to unlock secrets and find health and energy upgrades.
I recommend trying Strider out for yourself. Its relatively cheap and fun and fast paced when you get yourself moving. I was able to move through the sky and never touch the ground at all for some points of the game and it feels satisfying and responsive.