The showdown finally happened. Trump and Clinton finally got on the same stage. It was a highly anticipated event and in the end, over 80 million people tuned into the debate to see just what was going to happen. To many, they got what they were expecting. Many others, however, wondered what they just watched. Me, I was highly disappointed.
When did the presidential debate turn into reality television? I kept on asking myself that as I was watching the debate. Neither of the candidates really talked about plans or policies. They were just at each other’s throats. Wild accusations, lies, and self-promotion was all that was on the agenda that night.
One of the biggest issues I had with the debates was the fact that neither of the candidates talked about bringing about change. I kept on hearing the same continuation of the policies that have been happening the past 16 years. More people are being sent off to fight, more people are losing jobs, and more people are being played by the same two party system. Millennials are the ones taking the brunt of it all and yet when it is debate time, NONE of these issues are being talked about.
The days after the debates, I kept on hearing how Trump took down Hillary. How? Yeah, he called her out for not advocating for change as a senator but that’s pretty much it. Everything else that came out of his mouth was irrelevant. However, people ate it up. It was horrifying to see support for him unwavering. He did not talk about any plans he had for the country. He just made wild accusations and gave false statistics. People cheered him on as he kept on rolling out one lie after another. Yet people say he won?
As for Hillary, I have to commend her for just sitting there and taking it for as long as she did. But then she broke. She went down to Trump’s level and started arguing with the guy. Next thing you know, you saw two infants on stage calling each other names, talking about their pasts, and not addressing the real issues at hand. Like Trump, Hillary did not really give many plans (if any). For a person that has been in politics as long as she has been, I was expecting much more. Once again, I find myself disappointed.
I know I’m going to draw heat from people from both sides, but at this point, I don’t really care. When we have these two clowns on the stage, this close to the election, there is something seriously wrong that’s going on. I don’t understand how people will blindly support either side because of the party affiliation. Hate to break it to you all, but both the Democrats and the Republicans have failed you. But more importantly, you are all failing yourselves. For people that claim a side has won, you clearly have not educated yourself on the issues. If you want to see sick burns and insults, go watch MTV or something.