When The Presidential Debate Is At Your School | The Odyssey Online
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When The Presidential Debate Is At Your School

Emotions are heating up.

When The Presidential Debate Is At Your School

Leading up to the second Presidential Debate students could feel the energy running up their toes as they woke up in the morning. As we walked through campus there were a multitude of signs everywhere reminding us, if we had not received the 33,000 emails yet, that the Presidential Debate was coming to Wash U! Not to mention, Wash U decided to build a wall, and I must give some credit to this monstrous formation guarding our school to Trump himself. I mean, he did say that we should build a wall!

All week long there were different events to pump up the student body. Spoon University, for instance, held a DebATE all week consisting of different foods representing the candidates each day. Students were told to wear all blue one day for Clinton or all red on another day in support for Trump. The spirit was there.

Then, on Friday we began to see the different newscasting sets come to life. Fox News took home on Mudd Field, in the center of campus where all students must walk by to get to and from class. Then, behind Fox was MSNBC and on the other side of campus in their own quad was CNN.

Security was everywhere. When walking through central campus, if you looked up to the top of some of the various buildings you may catch a glimpse of something that appears to resemble a sniper. Oh, right. That is a sniper. Yes, snipers were all around us, so I guess now would not be the time to run onto stage and introduce myself as the new Presidential candidate?

Finally, on Saturday, all of the festivities began. Security began to become more intense, and if you did not have a valid student ID I’m sure the end result would not be too kind. Luckily, I did and I truly have never felt so special and important before. With just a flash of an ID I would be allowed to crawl under the bright yellow caution tape as all the pedestrians watched with jealousy and awe. Walking around campus, we saw interviews being given, buttons and water bottles being handed out, posters being made, and if you were lucky a famous newscaster or comedian walking around.

Being the spontaneous and as some would say “bold” person that I am, I decided that I wanted to actually make it onto the set of one of the news companies. I decided my best bet was with MSNBC, so with a sweet smile and some persuasive talking the next thing I knew I was sitting right up on stage taking videos and pictures. The members of MSNBC were all very kind and happy to join into my various requests such as a few Snapchat videos. As my friends and I sat on the stage we spun around the chairs looking at all of our peers running around campus supporting their red and blue.

Saturday quickly faded to Sunday where all the new activities and excitement blew Saturday in the dust. All of the newscasters were handing out shirts if you stood in their fan section. Wash U students had protests around campus. Students were playing games in hopes of winning prizes like a Wash U Presidential bear or a Hotbox cookie. The line to the photo booth filled with presidential props was as long as the line to get a fresh pair of Yeezy’s.

My friends and I decided to walk around and try and make it big on T.V. Obviously, we sweet talked our way into grabbing some mega signs and then scotting our way to the front of CNN to have our big debut. Then we ran over to Fox where with the help of a piggybacks and shoulder rides our parents were able to say the could see us, essentially we were famous. Finally, we went to tour a debate bus and take a few pictures in the photobooth. The debate was getting closer and the tensions were rising.

As I walked to the busses to get a shuttle to the actual debate I could not help myself from smiling. I was about to go and sit in the same room as one of the most monumental debates in history. Not to mention, I heard I would be able to see the Budweiser horses after. If that does not make you grin from ear to ear, then I don’t know what does!

I found a few friends inside of the debate hall and we made our way to our seats. Unfortunately we were not sitting together, but we were sitting pretty close to one another! The debate started and the crowd went silent; however, the tension and excitement could be felt in the patting of everyone's feat in anticipation for what was about to come.

Outcome Trump, outcome Clinton: the debate was finally here. Being in the crowd of the actual debate is quite different than watching at home with friends or family. First of all, the room is 60 degrees, so I hope you packed your winter jacket. If you have my fortunate luck, you came supporting a dress and a very light cardigan. This outfit choice was an ameature mistake. Then, there is no food. So, I hope you have had a meal to last you a good four hours before! There are no drinking games, so do not expect any crazy banter from the crowd. In fact, the most rowdy the crowd may get is a group laugh before being hushed by Anderson Cooper.

So, what should one expect? Quiet whispers amongst the crowed when ridiculous statements are thrown back and forth. Statements that are so funny you cannot help but chuckle into your hands as everyone around you is silent. Expect to be amazed -- you are literally sitting in history. You are sitting in the same room, feet away, from the future President of the United States. You are watching history transform in front of your eyes. Finally, you should most definitely keep your eyes wide open for the free merchandise! I can confidently say that I have enough t-shirts to last me a year, not to mention enough chocolate to last a month, or if you’re me two days at max!

As Megyn Kelly said herself, “buckle up” because the next debate is going to be a wild ride.

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