There are different groups of people that are voting for different presidential candidates, and each candidate is supported by a certain type of person. There are statistics that can indicate the different genders and races and education levels of voters and their choices, but it doesn't stop there. I wanted to entertain the idea of what each presidential candidate and his or her supporters would be like as pet owners.
I'm going to use the college-age demographic as the basis for my ideology. It's no secret or surprise that a very large percentage of what is dubbed the "Millennial" vote is adamant in their support for Bernie Sanders. He and his supporters are the dog owners of the Millennial voters. They are the most frequently encountered and will let everyone know that they have a dog, or if they don't, that they want one. They're trusting, and regular, working class people. They'll let you stop and pet their dog without your having to ask.
Dog Lovers
That makes Hillary and her supporters the cat lovers. Far fewer people prefer cats to dogs, and Hillary is not the most popular vote among Millennials. Cat owners and Hillary supporters are both misunderstood and are subject to some mild stereotyping. Most cat fanatics also happen to be women. As pet owners, they're intelligent and reserved. They love their cat without needing to let everyone know they have one. Every now and then, they do find that the cat knocked something off the table or bit a guest, but they just clean it all up and move forward.
Cat Lovers
Exotic Animal Lovers
Trump represents the exotic pet owners of the voting world, where the act of having one is not at all to the benefit of the animal but to the owner. They can afford the hefty prices of non-native animals and love to show them off. They don't really worry about caring for the animals or the sketchy ways in which they buy them. However, the only people who go out to purchase these kinds of pets are people like game hunters and frequenters of the black market. The rest of the population is just amazed that real people think it's fine to possess these wild animals.
Reptile Lovers
I picture Ted Cruz and his supporters to equate to those kinds of pet owners who prefer reptiles, particularly the ones who like snakes and keeping them in encasements that are too small. They're not too vocal, but they have thought about using their snake as an ingredient in a brew just for fun. Mostly they just like to let the snake out and let it scare others. They also may or may not have "Zodiac Killer" in their recent search history.
Fish Owner
Kasich and his supporters are like the pet owners who you assume have no pets because they never speak of them, yet quietly keep an aquarium of fish in very unsanitary conditions. They'll refuse to clean the tank and leave the algae to build and the fish to get very sick, yet no one knows about it unless they go to their homes and take a look for themselves.
Happy voting!