Hillary Clinton as Michael Gary Scott
Hillary and Michael are both always trying to stay cool and hip. They've also both had an email scandal: Hillary having the whole country read hers and Michael reading the whole office's.
John Kasich as Andy Bernard
Kasich and Andy both mean well, but often come across as awkward. They're not always front and center and can be forgotten about.
Donald Trump as Dwight K. Schrute
Donald and Dwight are both strongly opinionated They might not always be the most liked, but they're always good for a laugh.
Bernie Sanders as Creed Bratton
No one really knows how old Bernie and Creed are. And, they kind look alike. Probably because they're both old. Bernie probably doesn't know what a text is, either.
Ben Carson as Toby Flenderson
Poor Ben. Poor Toby. Both are pretty irrelevant and constantly silenced. They also seem mopey and whiny most of the time.
Marco Rubio as Ryan Howard
It just recently came out that Rubio mocked Trump for looking like he has a spray tan. Cruel, just like Ryan Howard most of the time. They're both also young, pretty smart, and the token pretty boy.
Ted Cruz as Kevin Malone... obviously...
Enough said.