Whether we like it or not, Donald Trump is indeed the new President of the United States.
Most can agree that while this situation is entirely terrifying, but we should in no way shape or form be hoping for Trump to fail. We are all Americans and despite the heavy distaste some carry in their hearts for the current POTUS, we must find it in their hearts to turn this into something we can work with.
Of course, there is absolutely no reason you should support something you do not believe in. However, there is no reason to assume Trump will never listen to reason. It might not seem possible but there is still enough time to persuade Trump that Democrats/Liberals know what they're talking about when they protest against him.
We can encourage Trump without supporting his unacceptable policies. We can do everything in our democracy-inspired power to make sure all people keep their well-deserved rights. And we can do this by advocating for what we want and need before we protest against the laws we don't agree with.
When we demonstrate our needs before there is talk of taking away rights such as free and/or affordable reproductive care access, LGBTQ+ rights, cutting taxes, etc., it, at the very least, gives Trump the chance to be receptive of them.
Now, after he ignores our needs and leans toward making the wrong decisions for millions of people, that is the time to protest and resist, resist, resist. But don't let your fear of what he might do stop you from trying to make the best of these next four years.
Don't ever let yourself settle with a mediocre society, but don't forget that working towards a better future before a crap one is in sight can help prevent a lot of unnecessary problems.