If there's one thing I could say about President Obama's farewell address, it's that the next guy has some really big shoes to fill. He, of course, spoke of all his accomplishments while in office. However, he didn't simply brag about himself either. If there is anything that we should really take away from his last address to the nation, it's that we need to look and live up to his example. Not only has done so much for so many people, but because of his enduring nature, kindness, and most important, his humility, we should note that he sets a wonderful example to each and every one of us. He is not only the 44th President of the United States, but a teacher to us all, as any leader should be.
Although many people criticize his presidency, President Obama never cowered nor sought revenge to those who have disagreed or judged his actions as a leader. Whether big or small, he never let any negativity become bigger than himself or the real problems at hand. This, as anybody could see, was prevalent throughout his farewell. He thrived on, as he said, the actions of the citizens of this country to help inspire him. No matter what he did, he put the people first, as it should be. No leader was ever successful while thinking of him or herself first and putting needs of others second.
Although President-elect Trump hasn't been the easiest to warm up to, President Obama still wishes him to have a smooth and easy transition, just as former President Bush had done for him. This, above all, is something many of us should pay extra attention to, because it is what this country needs the most. It needs kind citizens that are going to respect each other despite our flaws and differences, whether it be in opinions, religion, skin color, race or social status. If he can allow President-elect Trump to take over the highest position of the land without hate or resentment, then we can learn to be kinder towards each other.
More noteworthy than the rest is President Obama's unwavering humility. Among all of his successes as president, never once has be boasted of his hard work. Never once did he let his accomplishments be about him, but rather made them about the good of the country. His ego never disrupted the decisions he made, which granted him respect by people all around the world. His successor, on the other hand, may require a lesson or two on this.
Despite this, however, President Obama continues to stand for the United States and all of the people in it. So as he did, President Obama reassured us that, although we may still have a long way to go in order to ensure democracy and peace, we need to believe in the change we institute, whether he is president or not: "I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change – but in yours."
So as sad as it may be to see this man go, who in all ways embodies subtlety, compassion and brilliance, it was truly our honor to have him serve as our President of the United States of America.