Dear President-Elect Trump,
You have just been elected the 45th president of the United States. You have truly shocked a nation. You were the underdog that came out on top. You have proven that anything can happen and anyone can become president. You will undoubtedly go down in history for this election and for this movement you have undoubtedly created. I will honestly admit that after hearing the election results I did ‘ugly cry’ a few times, but I kept my chin up. I will look forward and continue to love and believe in this country and the people in it. I am trusting that our nation has indeed chosen the best candidate for the job. You ran a tough campaign and now you will be put to the test. You have just been elected to the highest power in all the land -- please don't screw it up.
This election was a big one, maybe the biggest in history. This presidential election has profoundly split our country in two. I've said before that both candidates ran a cut-throat campaign, which led to a mass division among the American people. Your past comments about African Americans, Mexicans, Muslim, and women have not helped this divide, but now it's your turn to fix that. I strongly disagree with you on most issues and morally cannot stand by you, but now that you are my President Elect, I have to. I fear that you may potentially set our country back 50+ years. I fear that you may extinguish all the hard work our past presidents have put into this country instead of building on it. I fear you may not have every Americans best interest at heart. I hope you understand that the presidency is more than a title or another notch in your belt. I hope to treat the presidency with the respect it deserves.
Mr. President Elect, it is time to live up to your promise of continuing to make this country great. I believe this country has always been and always will be great no matter who our president is, because the president is not America - it's people are. I have faith the United States. I believe we the people will continue to thrive and prosper. If anything, Mr. President-Elect, you need to make America empathize again. Me, like many other people, are scared of a Donald Trump presidency. You and the other half of the nation that voted for you have to understand where these scared people and protesters are coming from. We need to listen to each other and work from there.
As much as it shocks me, you won the presidency fair and square. I personally think we had a better candidate for the job, but half of our nation was blinded by pure hatred. Nonetheless, I genuinely hope you prove me wrong. I hope you prove wrong my biggest fears about you being Commander in Chief of this nation. I hope you knock me off my feet and go down in history as one of America's greatest presidents. I hope one day I will be able to say "You know what, President Trump really was a great President for all people." I hope we do win "bigly" (whatever that means). I hope you can bind our nations wounds of division. I'm trying to keep my glass half full and give you the benefit of the doubt, no matter how hard that is for me. You have just be handed a nation that is hurting, that is scared, and that is quickly breaking in half. So, I hope you are indeed a great president because right now our country needs one. Everyone will be looking at you for the next four years, please don't screw it up.
I wish you good luck Mr. President-Elect, you’re going to need it.
Sincerely yours.