I did something different this year and I wrote out a list of goals and resolutions for the coming 2017. The typical were written: "Eat healthier. Read a book. Do something I've never done before. Etc." And then one came to me that has never come to my mind before, "Be present and not perfect."
Have Your Voice Heard: Become an Odyssey Creator
I've been reflecting a lot on the past year. I struggle a lot with perfectionism. I want people to see me and think I have it all together. Truth is, I don't, in fact, most of the time I feel like my life is in shambles. Another news flash I've learned, nobody has it all together. But for some reason, we are obsessed with making our life seem perfect to everybody else. Think about social media for example. We only post pictures that we feel we look good in and feel put off a good image to the rest of the world. Why do we do that if that's not real life? It's partly the world we live in, and partly our urge to want to put on a "perfect" face. Well, this year, I want to stop trying to be perfect. Instead, I want to focus more on being present.
When we are with a group of people, it is insane to notice that everyone gets on their phones and has to get the perfect Snapchat or Instagram picture because let's face it, if you don't post it on social media did it even happen? We get so caught up in worrying about what other people that aren't even at the event think than spending time with the people you are with. I am just as guilty as everyone else, but I am now seeing what a problem it really is.
Life is short. Time flies by quickly. We have to start appreciating the little moments that we spend with people and start being with people more. Ask questions, go deeper, be bolder, do something silly, be present with people, because that's where we see the true hearts of people and see who they truly are. If we quit trying to be perfect for everyone else, we can start being more real with the people we daily get to spend time with. These times are priceless and it is more important to love people in the way that they deserve. Likes are temporary, relationships are eternal.
It is a classic Martha and Mary story. (Luke 10:38-42) Jesus was going to be stopping at Martha and Mary's house. While he was there, Mary sat at his feet, holding onto every syllable of wisdom Jesus had to give. Martha was busy scurrying and scurrying around the house, cooking and cleaning, trying to make things look perfect for Jesus and his disciples. As Martha gets upset, Jesus applauds Mary on focusing on what is more important, the people, instead of trying to make everything look perfect for others.
In moments like these, let us become more like Mary and less like Martha, being more focused on that very moment instead of worrying about what everyone else is going to say. Do things that make you happy and don't worry about everyone knowing about it. This 2017, be present and not perfect.