As the preseason season is underway, there are many things that become apparent to us fall athletes. Throughout the move in process and practice, there is nothing but chaos...and some fun. Having been through 2 years with preseason, I have noticed a certain trend and standard that comes with the time of year when the only people on campus are you, orientation leaders (OL), and "first years." It can be lonely at times, but it can get weird at times too. With the excitement from the freshman and the overly trained excitement from the OLs, an athlete can get lost and overwhelmed in the mix. With that being said, this is my take on preseason and the many struggles fall athletes go through during this anticipated time of the school year.
1. No I am not a Freshman...sorry, first year I mean.
For some reason, everyone assumed that since you are here early and not wearing a blue orientation shirt that you must be a first year. I am not one to hate against those who assume, but repeatedly being ask if you need help or which orientation group you are in can get both old and annoying. This is also coming from a sophomore, so I cannot even imagine what it is like to be a senior when people think you are a first year.
2. Early morning practice.
I know early morning practices are still a thing during the school year, but with preseason it is almost every day. Sleep becomes minimal. The one good thing about practicing in the morning is avoiding the heat...
3. The heat.
The heat the first couple of days back is unbearable. You can not walk from one place to another with out not being totally drenched in your own sweat. It is even worst when you have to sleep in a dorm with no AC, it is 90 degrees out, and all you have is a little fan that feels like it is just circulating more hot air.
4. Do I have to be around for orientation EVERY year?
Athletes may not have to really participate in orientation, but there are times when you have no choice. Orientation participates in your life. I give total props to all the OLs that put in all that work and maintain the energy of a 10 year old that has been given 5 Red Bulls, but they are crazy loud. I do not think there is one spot on campus where you cannot hear a group of OLs screaming at the top of their lungs. Also, the stampede of first years in the dinning hall and orientation groups in circles around campus is a wonderful touch just to remind you, once again, its preseason.
5. On campus, no classes...this is the life!
Although there is much struggle that comes with moving in early, there are also some benefits. One being the fact that you get to be on campus and have no classes all at the same time. This is for sure my favorite part. It is the social life of college without the actual school part.
6. Move in.
With every college year comes move in. The thing about being an athlete and being on campus before everyone is that there are many move in days. First, you have to move yourself in which is not that bad. Second, you have to help move in the first years for at least an hour as a preseason requirement. Finally, you probably end up helping all you friends that come on regular move in day. Not gonna lie, I was left sore and with many bruises by the end of the week.
7. Gosman is home.
You practically live at Gosman Athletic Center. You practice there, you meet up with the team there, and you take advantage of the air conditioning as much as possible. It gets to the point where whenever you leave your room, you are on autopilot to the gym.
8. The team is family.
With every home comes a family. I am always super excited to see my team when the end of August comes around. Last year, being a first year, I was so excited to meet the people I was going to be spending most of my time with. Now, it is the best feeling to come back to familiar faces. It is like coming home to your family after being gone for a long time.