I have spent the last six weeks of my life in preschool and let me tell you, I have learned a thing or two (who am I kidding, I've learned more than most people have in four years of college). But anyway, the rules that are established in a preschool setting should be posted on every street corner and light post. Every adult should be reminded of these things every now and then because let's be real, some people just forget how to act sometimes.
1. Sharing is caring.
Most adults really struggle with this one, sharing what is yours can be really difficult. We as adults work so hard and really try to earn what we have and sharing those things can be hard. This also applies to friends and family, sharing your best friend or your sister with someone else can be challenging. I know I really struggle with my best friends spending time with other people, I always want to be the one spending time with them.
2. Wait your turn.
How many times have you been cut off while driving? Exactly! People are in such a hurry nowadays, they never want to slow down and wait their time. The other day I was in line at a store and some lady flat out cut me in line. I wanted to say something so badly but figured it wasn't worth it. Sometimes you just need to slow down and wait your turn, I promise it won't kill you.
3. Put a bubble in your mouth.
We all know that one person who talks WAY too much, don't you want to just say "put a bubble in your mouth?" Learning when to keep shut or put your two sense in can be a great skill to have.
4. Say please and thank you.
I think that most adults think that since they are older and wiser they get excused from this rule -- well jokes on them because they are not. As an example for the kiddos, I say this literally all the time, and I think I use it more in one day than most adults do in one week. Just because you are older and considered an adult doesn't mean you can't use manners, it is unacceptable. Come on people, please and thank you, it's not that hard (just ask a preschooler).
5. Talk it out.
If I had a nickel for every time I heard "she kicked me" or "he just touched me" I would be a millionaire! My response is always the same "well then what do we tell our friend, can you say please don't kick me, I don't like that" easy as that! Again, this is something adults really lack, instead of just telling someone else when they don't like something or if their feelings were hurt it turns into a grudge or into a big fighting match that could have avoided. If you say the phrase "I really don't like, please stop" in a genuine and thoughtful tone it can do wonders (again, don't believe me, just ask a preschooler).
6. Be respectful.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T!! Live it, learn it, love it! It will change your life. Being respectful should be something we as humans never forget but somehow we have. I truly believe that is one of the reasons our world is the way it is. People have lost respect for each other, it is so sad. We spend our whole childhood being pounded with this idea that we need to respect each other but then as we get to be adults people forget what they have been taught.
7. Don't touch your friends.
Totally thought this was a no brainer, but nope! This world has become such a violent place, conflict is now being resolved with violence and it is heartbreaking to watch. People have forgotten that we don't touch or harm others, that is never the answer. I spend a lot of my day saying "please touch your friends" or "our friends don't like being touched" if preschoolers can catch on so can you!