Coming off the emotional roller coaster of Final Exercises (graduation) this weekend, I know that I'm not prepared at all for my May term class that starts Monday. I'm not ready to walk back into a classroom for 2 straight hours of statistics every day, and I'm not prepared to give up the freedom of my glorious week off.
But the time has come, and the best way to deal with the fact that I have willingly signed up for a summer class is through gifs.
The class doesn't start until 10:30 a.m., but on your summer schedule it feels like 6 a.m.
Trying your hardest to gauge how important buying a $200 textbook is for a 4 week course.
And then realizing that it's a full semester of whatever class you're in, but crammed into just a few weeks.
Looking at the syllabus your teacher sent out, and seeing just how much work in so little time is planned.
And then you start to strategize how you will get through over 2 hours of the same class, every day, five days a week.
And planning your response if your teacher asks you a question in class.
When you're trying to figure out if any of your friends are in the same class as you.
Trying to convince yourself to stay in, instead of going out with friends, but then realizing something very important:
Making a list of all the things, not including anything related to schoolwork, that you want to do during May term.
And already being pumped for the weekends.
But most importantly, looking forward to being in Charlottesville all summer, with your best friends.
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