Summer has been long, sunny, hot, and it is coming to an end.
Although it was fun returning to my hometown for three months and seeing my family, I can frankly say I am glad it is almost over.
Returning back home only re-surfaced the old emotions and memories about this place: the nostalgia was not very rewarding.
I love my family, however, I am also an individual pursuing on living her own life. Being back home over the summer only made that more difficult.
As summer ends, so does my vacation and I will have to shift my brain into school mood. Although I might be glad for summer coming to an end, I am by far no where ready to say farewell.
I have put off a lot of little things, like packing my my suitcase with the clothes I won’t be needing for the next couple of weeks. That also includes preparing myself mentally for another long semester of school, work study, clubs, and possibly a job.
Despite the closing of this summer, I have prepared a few things to ease my transition from vacation to school.
One. I have filled my calendar for the next two weeks with activities. I will be going to another concert with both my siblings and my best friend as one of the multiple things I plan to do before having to leave for another five months.
Two. I am slowly transitioning myself to a school mentality by beginning to gradually do some more school related work. I have began talking about work study with my co-workers, thinking about my classes, and even snatching an article to write for The Rattler. I should probably begin looking at my school books sooner than later too.
Three. I have also began to indulge more and more into watching my favorite YouTuber’s and binging on new anime’s and occasionally Netflix shows. I know once school begins I will not have as much wanted time to binge watch a show or simply to just indulge in what YouTube, CrunchyRoll, and Netflix has to offer.
Four. I have began to set a schedule, goals, and even plans for the upcoming semester. I am a huge person when it comes to organizing and keeping neat when it comes to my school work and personal life. Having at least something like this, even it I do not follow them to the T is still extremely motivating.
Five. The hardest thing I have done to prepare myself is waking up early. I say it is the hardest because I have been very unsuccessful because I tend to sleep a lot more than necessary. Considering I have a 9 a.m. class this semester, I should really get into the habit of waking up early, but that does not seem to be successful just yet.