With summer fast approaching, many of us are about to enter our last semester of college. This can be the most exciting thing to happen, or it can be the most frightful thing to happen. Not only do you have to prepare for your classes, but you also have to prepare for the real world. Whether you are confident or scared, just remember that this is your last semester and you're almost done.
These next few months will be difficult. Not only do you have to focus on your classes, but you also have to focus on getting your life started. It was easy to sit back and relax, but now it's time to crack down on making some major life decisions: where do you want to live? what type of job do you want? how are you going to pay your bills? All of these questions hit at once and start to become overwhelming.
If this is your last semester of college, then here's my advice to you: take one day at a time. Don't worry about the small stuff. It's easy to become overwhelmed and stressed, but sometimes you can do it to the point where you become sick and depressed. Focus on the tasks that need to be done that day. You'll probably stress eat and want to stay at home a lot, but there's nothing wrong with that. So what if you gain a few pounds during the semester, at least you are putting in the work to finish. Don't stress about the fact that you won't get a job with the first place you applied for, sometimes you have to apply to multiple places.
Although, this can all be stressful just remember that you aren't alone either. Everyone in your program and classes are going through the same motions. If you notice someone close to you is going through the same struggles, then invite them over. If there's one thing you'll need for the upcoming semester, it's support. When you have a group of people who support you and have your back then those life decisions become easier to make. You need someone that you can sit down and drink a whole bottle of wine with and not be judged. You need someone you can vent to about the stupid little things in life.
Four months of school will go by fast, but not fast enough. You have to learn to hold on and not give up. This is your last semester, make the best of it but don't stress too much. Unless you plan to go to Graduate school, you're pretty much done after this. No more awkward schedules and having to cram for last minute exams.
Make the most of your last semester. College is hard, but you'll find that you'll miss it after a while. So December graduates, have fun this semester and be proud of the work you've accomplished. Let's make this semester the best one and walk out with Racer pride!