When you spend hours with your extended family at a Christmas party, prepare for the interrogation of a lifetime. In college they prepare you for job interview questions and how to perfect your resume; but I'm here to assist during the holiday questions.
1. "What are you going to do with your degree?"
This one is inevitable. I don't know aunt Barb, I'd rather marry rich at this point. Just kidding, instead you can come of a generic elevator speech of your goals. Act like it's the "where do you see yourself in five years?" question in a job interview.
2. "Is there even a future in *insert major*?"
3. "When are you getting married?"
When I feel like it. End of story.
4. "Can't you just wait to have kids?"
Why is this always asked? How do you even know if I want kids? Plus, I can hardly take care of myself since I'm in college. I don't want to discuss having little me's running around.
5. "How much longer in school?"
1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. 17 years. I don't know yet.
6. "How was your semester? Did you get good grades?"
I just took finals. Instead I just ask you to pray for my GPA. Besides, FERPA exists; I don't have to discuss this with you.
7. "What are you going to do with your degree?"
I know I already discussed this one, but please understand every family member that crosses your path will be asking you this. I want you to be prepared.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and I wish you the best of luck confronting your family. If you're really bold, you can put all of your answers on a business card and hand them out to your family before they even ask...just a thought.