I've ben studying abroad for half a year now (that's right folks, 6 whole months; happy 6-month anniversary to me and the UK!), and that's made some things experiences as an American abroad extremely predictable. For example, whenever someone hears my accent they ask where in 'the States' I'm from, and upon my answer (New York) they scream and say, "THAT IS CRACKIN'! I LOVE NEW YORK CITY!" I also get the casual Trump question: "Is he really gonna be your president? Are you scared?" (horrified, but that's another story for another time), and people direct me to say words in my "totally strange accent".
But, the best experience I've gotten from the incredible traveling I've done. It gets easier to do and it's so much fun, even if you go alone. So, here are some quick tips I have if you decide to travel, too:
1. Buy a travel backpack. There are huge bags and you can use these as carry-ons for airplanes. They are easier to navigate city with than rolling suitcases.
2. Make sure you put your toiletries in a plastic zip-bloc bag. In the UK, this is now a necessity for airport security.
3. Look up free walking tours in the cities you're going to before you get there. They typically meet at 11 am, 1 pm and/or 3 pm every day, and the tour guides have awesome advice on food spots and local must-sees.
4. Meet your fellow hostel guests. You never know if they'll be your new travel buddy, or your new enemy. Either way, it's a story in the making.
5. Dress for comfort, not to impress. That doesn't mean you don't have to make an effort, but keep in mind that walking is the best form of transportation.
6. Bring a book!
7. Eat the local cuisine - even if you think it's disgusting, it's a delicacy for a reason (it's probably delicious). And try not to eat at restaurants that have photos of food on the outside--those are typically tourist traps.
8. Buy yourself a postcard and write your favorite memory from that place.
9. Find out if your hostel offers any discounted travel tours (they usually do).
10. Put your phone down. Just experience the place; who knows when you'll be there again.
11. See as much as possible. You can always sleep on your way home!
12. Pick up a free map from your hostel or the airport and hold on to it for dear life.
13. Bring a small notebook with you and make sure your hostel address is written inside. That way, if you need directions or a ride home from a cab and don't know how to pronounce it, you can whip out the notebook!
14. Go to as many museums as you can--they're usually free so there's no financial excuse.
15. Enjoy every moment--the good, the bad, and the boring, because traveling is a luxury.