Ahhhh AP tests. Yes, it's that time of year again. Crazy how in the beginning in of the year, your teacher told you your test would be on May 1st. They insisted that you started studying right then and there. You casually laughed them off because, well, it was September - you'll study later. Well, "later" is now, and your test(s) is (are) within these next two weeks. You may or may not be panicking right now, but it's all cool. Follow these 5 steps, and you'll be prepared.
1. Cry

This is basically the first step to anything, so just let it all out now. This way, you will use up all your tears, so none will smudge your work when you're actually taking the test. AP tests just seriously suck; they’re draining, they’re awful. I know it, you know it, the College Board knows it, we all know it, and we can all cry together.
2. Realize The Exams Are Designed To Make You Feel Dumb
On most AP exams, you need to get around
60%-70% of the exam correct to get the highest possible score (a 5).While you’re going through the exam and thinking you’re only getting a little over half right, you probably will feel completely stupid and frustrated. In reality, you’re probably actually doing great by the test's standards. Just know that there are going to be some insanely difficult questions, and you’re going to be feeling like an idiot. This acknowledgment will at least help you feel like an idiot at peace during the exam.
3. Give Up On Studying
Yup. If your test is within 2 weeks, there’s really nothing you can do.
Last minute studying can’t save you. This final stretch is a time to make some final touches on your knowledge, not cram the entire course into one night. So play some review games, watch some crash course, and maybe look over the basics again.
4. Take A Chill Pill

Since cram studying is basically worthless at this point, just chill: do something you like, watch TV, sleep. In fact,
UCLA researchers suggest you sleep rather than lose sleep trying to study. Sleeping is a factor on how well you remember what you learn and how focused you are when applying what you learned in an exam. So yes, super smart scientists did tell you to get some extra sleep in over extra hours of studying. You’re welcome.
5. Focus On Surviving
These tests are awful, absolutely awful, but
do not zone out. You’ve been learning about your subject for this test for a year. Do not throw away all the work you did on DBQs and essays and practice tests just to doze off or start daydreaming. Find something to motivate you to try your best on the exam. Whether it’s the possibility of college credit, making use of the money you spent on the test, or just the fact that this is the last hard thing you have to do for this class, stay motivated for just three hours and get it over with. Afterward, you can sleep through class, ditch, or whatever because your school year is basically over.